Dental Blog

Gum Disease Signs & Symptoms

Gum disease occurs when bacteria build-up causes inflammation and infection in your gums. It’s often painless, but if it goes untreated, it’s the most common cause of adult tooth loss. Read our blog post to learn about the signs and symptoms of gum disease.

Why Root Canals Aren’t Scary Anymore

Root canals are oftentimes described as incredibly scary, painful procedures — but with modern technology, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Check out our blog post where we explain the root canal therapy process and explain why you shouldn’t be afraid of root canal therapy.

How to Manage Dental Anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety when faced with visiting the dentist, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety is something that many adults and children deal with. However, you can’t let it keep you from visiting our office, or else you’ll be at risk for some real and lasting damage to your smile. Read our blog post to learn how to manage dental anxiety.

Dental Bridges vs Implants

Are you missing one tooth or many? If you answered yes, then you are probably currently researching your tooth replacement options. Lucky for you, there are many high-tech, innovative solutions for replacing the gaps in your smile! Check out our blog post for a look at two of the most common, dental bridges and dental implants.

How Same-day Crowns Can Transform Your Smile in a Day

As soon as a patient learns that a dental service to restore their smile is needed, ways to restore their smile quickly come to mind. Luckily, CEREC® technology allows same-day crown creation to transform a smile in a day for patients with decay or dental trauma! Read our blog post for details.