When Should My Child Start Seeing a Dentist?

baby blue eyed boy with a toothbrush in his mouth

According to the American Dental Association, kids should have their first dental visit around the age of one or when their first tooth grows in, whichever happens first. While this may seem young, it’s important for our team to get a look at the teeth your child has, whether they have one or a dozen. We will also assess their gums, jaw, and bite as well. In dentistry, the earlier that issues can be diagnosed, and treatments can be scheduled, the better, as there tends to be more treatment options available to our team the sooner we assess a patient’s smile.

What If My Child Is Anxious in New Situations?

It’s completely normal for kids and adults alike to be anxious about visiting the dentist. Our friendly and empathetic team will do our best to help your child feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible in our office. As a parent himself, Dr. Hooks understands how tough it can be to help kids navigate new and unfamiliar situations, and he is happy to devote a little extra time to helping children feel totally at ease in the dental chair.

How Often Should Kids Visit the Dentist?

After their first visit, routine appointments should be scheduled every six months. During these visits, our team will clean your child’s teeth and diagnose and treat any issues that have arisen since the last appointment. Visiting the dentist regularly from a young age also helps kids get acquainted with dentistry and tends to help reduce feelings of anxiety. This, in turn, increases the likelihood that your child will grow up to be a dental health-conscious adult who sees the importance of taking care of their oral health.

Scheduling Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Ready to schedule your child’s very first dental appointment with our College Station dental team? We can’t wait to see them! Please give our office a call or send us a message through our virtual contact form, and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible. We also recommend arriving earlier than usual to their first appointment to fill out paperwork, take care of any last-minute details, and provide your child with a little extra time to get acquainted with our office before they see Dr. Hooks.

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